The Art of Writing Efficient Programs: An advanced programmers guide to efficient hardware utilization and compiler optimizations using C++ examples

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The great free lunch of "performance taking care of itself" is over. Until recently, programs got faster by themselves as CPUs were upgraded, but that doesn`t happen anymore. The clock frequency of new processors has almost peaked, and while new architectures provide small improvements to existing programs, this only helps slightly. To write efficient software, you now have to know how to program by making good use of the available computing resources, and this book will teach you how to do that.The Art of Efficient Programming covers all the major aspects of writing efficient programs, such as using CPU resources and memory efficiently, avoiding unnecessary computations, measuring performance, and how to put concurrency and multithreading to good use. You`ll also learn about compiler optimizations and how to use the programming language (C++) more efficiently. Finally, you`ll understand how design decisions impact performance.By the end of this book, you`ll not only have enough knowledge of processors and compilers to write efficient programs, but you`ll also be able to understand which techniques to use and what to measure while improving performance. At its core, this book is about learning how to learn.What you will learnDiscover how to use the hardware computing resources in your programs effectivelyUnderstand the relationship between memory order and memory barriersFamiliarize yourself with the performance implications of different data structures and organizationsAssess the performance impact of concurrent memory accessed and how to minimize itDiscover when to use and when not to use lock-free programming techniquesExplore different ways to improve the effectiveness of compiler optimizationsDesign APIs for concurrent data structures and high-performance data structures to avoid inefficiencies

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Art Writing Efficient Programs advanced programmers guide efficient hardware utilization


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The Art of Writing Efficient Programs: An advanced programmers guide to efficient hardware utilization and compiler optimizations using C++ examples
